Bored At Home: Make Our Funky Bracelets!

Good morning friends. Do we have a treat for you? If you are bored at home, why not make our Funky Arm Bracelets. Yes, you’ve read right. Although, we are a boutique and love for you to buy something today. My first side hustle was making bracelets, amongst other things, because it was my passion. And yes, I still make them, but Today you will be able to make some for yourself. Stay tuned till the end; there just may be a video tutorial. Also, please shop or share and not just come and stare. :) lol, for real tho! Now let’s jump right into it.

First: You will need stretch cord
Lots Of Beads, Charms/ and or junk pieces
Yes, that is all Darling:)

Just thread stretch cord through beads, and charms in any order you desire.
Tie three cross over knots and you are all done!

This project is rated super easy. This just may be the best side hustle I've ever had. #beautiful
Tag me if you make these #iwearwhatthefunkiwant
Yes that's I Wear What The FUNK I Want!
Now you are ready for work, brunch, date night, and for your gawkers to lurk and stare.
Until Next Time See Ya In A Funky Bit!
xo Tangie
P.S. When we are not making bracelets. You can shop our pre-loved ones everyday. :)
1 comment
I really love those charms especially the Victorian charms.