Earrings And Coffee Chat

Hello Funky Friends! Today we will be talking about earrings that pair well with coffee. As, a woman we are always looking for ways to spice up our style for work, brunch and even a quick date night with our bae.
No matter the reason it's always a good idea to wear a cute pair of earrings that will take your style from looking frumpy to funky. A cute pair of earrings can start a conversation and can also make a woman feel simply beautiful.
My Point Of View: Always wear something that brings the eyes to your face. So, many times as women were not talking to a woman's face. We're looking around and down at every part of the body except the face. That is why I love to focus on the upper parts of the body.
Another great motto to stand by is: Wear something that will keep the focus up. So, a pair of earrings will bring the eyes up and in your face. ( Bring it up, Bring it Up).
Today's earring and coffee pick is our Black Gothic Dangle Earrings. Yes, darling and they pair well with a hot cup of Mardi Gras coffee and sweet cream. So, if you are going on a drip date, brunch with your girls' or on a hot date with bae. You will definitely look funky, fresh and fly in our earrings.
Thanks for stopping by for a quick earrings and coffee break.
Until Next Time Wear What The FUNK You Want