Earrings-Coffee And A Grunge Outfit Kind Of Day!

Earrings-Coffee And A Grunge Outfit Kind Of Day!

Earrings-Coffee And A Grunge Outfit Kind Of Day!

Good Morning Funky Friends! Join me for a conversation over earrings, coffee, and my thrifted grunge outfit of the day. I must admit I did not feel the fire of dressing up at all. Honestly, I am trying to make myself get dressed and dolled up at least five days a week. Yes, that is pushing it, but who cares. Life moves so fast, and I find no need to dress up only on a special occasion. 

But in my case, that is only when I go out of town and to Sunday church services. So, I am intentionally getting dressed for no reason at all. And yes, the struggle is real. But I am mastering wearing a messy look with very little fuss.

Tangie Sharing Her Dunkin Carmel Craze Latte on Earrings-Coffee And A Grunge Outfit Kind Of Day!

Since I am off today, I am going into town for a bit of Thrift snooping and a quick stop by Dunkin Donuts. This morning I ordered myself a caramel craze latte. It has caramel flavor, whip cream, caramel drizzle, and cinnamon sugar topping. And yes, Darling, it is a drink that will give you a gush of sweet overload. I love it so much, and it paired well with my earrings and grunge outfit.

Tangie Sharing her Carmel Craze Latte from Dunkin Donuts and her black Thrift bag

So, the fit of the day is as follows: A black thrift handbag, a few DIY bracelets, and my signature pearl finger ring.

Earrings-Coffee And A Grunge Outfit Kind Of Day! Tangie Showing off Funky Grunge Bee Earrings

And you guys know I am one who loves a funky and cute pair of earrings. That is why I am wearing our new Funky Bee Earrings. Let's just say they are perfect for any woman who work, brunch and slay the day.


Earrings-Coffee And A Grunge Outfit Kind Of Day!

Now let's talk about my crazy outfit of the day. My fit is centered around me rocking black and white shirts and leggings with a splash of sass. #thatsme

I am wearing a dress I recently thrifted and paired with a black high-top converse knock-off.

Yes, I was going for an unkept look on today. But a funky bee vibe with my earrings and style. Today was all about keeping it simple while having coffee with my daughter before going thrift snooping. And I think I pulled it off quite nicely. What do you think? Is today a keep or let go?

Well, Funky Friends, that’s all for today. If you like my earrings, you can shop them down below.

Until Next Time See Ya In A Funky Bit!


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