Funky Friday Finds: She Fancy Chandelier Earrings Preloved Style

Funky Friday Finds: She Fancy Chandelier Earrings Preloved Style

Tangie Bell wearing Funky Grunge Boutique latest Funky Friday Finds

Every week at the Funky Grunge Boutique we will be show casing our favorite finds that will be available in the shop. This week it's all about a pair of pre-loved chandelier earrings. If looking fancy is your thang, then you may want to add these pretty gals to your ear wearing collection.

 Why not be the envy of your next event. Rather you are going to the President's ball or hanging with your jealous girlfriend. You will definitely be the talk of the evening or frowned upon for looking so fly. Either way you win in every category of life and style. So, go ahead and sho-nuf strut your stuff!

In conclusion: It's ok to have a little everyday joy in your style. And if nothing else matter's just remember to Wear What The Funk You Want! :) 


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