How I Stopped Bullying And Sabotaging My Style + 4 Simple Fixes

Good Morning Funky Friends! I hope you lovely creatures are doing well today? And if not, then why not? I am just asking from a concerned friend. Anyhoot, no matter what is happening, keep your head up and find something that will channel your juices to love yourself and life all over again.
And speaking of loving oneself today, I am sharing my style story of How I Stopped Bullying And Sabotaging My Own Style + 4 Simple Tips.
I’ve shared this story on many occasions about being bullied in school when I was younger. Honestly, I had no help or control over those years of getting shamed about my clothes, style, or the way I looked.
As I became a young woman around 20 something, I started bullying my looks and style. By judging everything, I wore from the way it looked on me. I didn’t like anything I wore, and I couldn’t figure out how to dress to save my life.
No matter what I wore, I felt skinny, or if someone says, that’s not a style, I would take it off. I love wearing odd and weird clothing and accessories, but that wasn’t ladylike to wear back in the day. I am from a time in life where dressing crazy and cool would not get you a job.
The older I became, I started sabotaging my style by down-talking my looks and things I wanted to wear.
For example, I thought I couldn't mix prints or wear the FUNK I wanted without judgment.
Until I became a hairstylist, and only then was my eyes opened to a whole new world.
I attended my first hair show where I saw a stylist dressing all types of weird and cool. And all of them took their crafts seriously to the point it made me want to step my game up.
So,I started thinking of ways to ease myself out of the no style box.
I was 29 years old when I finished beauty school, so style by then was changing.
And I was at that point in life where people were like, wear your hair for success. Oh, and dress modestly so no one would judge you. Blah Blah! Trust me; I never got my looks or my style perfect enough for other people to like me. :)
For example, I thought I couldn't mix prints or wear the FUNK I wanted without judgment.
Until I became a hairstylist, and only then was my eyes opened to a whole new world.
I attended my first hair show where I saw a stylist dressing all types of weird and cool. And all of them took their crafts seriously to the point it made me want to step my game up.
So,I started thinking of ways to ease myself out of the no style box.
I was 29 years old when I finished beauty school, so style by then was changing.
And I was at that point in life where people were like, wear your hair for success. Oh, and dress modestly so no one would judge you. Blah Blah! Trust me; I never got my looks or my style perfect enough for other people to like me. :)
So, let’s fast forward to the future of me I am older and wiser now. Honestly, I do not care what others think or say about my looks or style. But, it took many years for me to overcome bullying and sabotaging my style.
So, today I am finally sharing four tips on how I stopped bullying and sabotaging my style. Please note these are only my points of view, but it is my style story.
#1: Embracing my weirdness by trying new textures, fabric and clothes, and accessories. It’s ok to wear a zebra print and feathers. If I like something, that is a law for me, and I don’t have to compliments others. I am learning to compliment myself by self-motivating and writing the pages of my style and looks. It’s called getting comfortable with every inch of awkwardness that centers style. And to be honest, it is not that serious.
Just A Funky Tip: Wear the things that make you feel good and happy when you look at yourself. Step out the box and try something cool to wear—such as a pair of glasses or cute headwrap or maybe a funky pair of earrings. Start small and work your way up to bigger and bolder items.
Side note: Your Funk Is Not Another Woman’s Funk. So, don’t give a lot of thought about others liking your vibe.
#2 Forget The Inter Style Gurus: Oh, how simple life was before Instagram, Facebook, and all those other social media outlets. I can barely keep up with the styles and the trends that change every five minutes. I laugh at it now because of the time I have wasted. Some of my favorite people were working with brands. And that explained why they were able to switch out clothes and trends weekly.
Now, I just watch for pure entertainment and do my own thing. Don’t get me wrong; the internet is a fantastic place to gather information and inspiration. But that is all it will ever be for me. I prefer to take bits and pieces of a particular style that looks good on me. I don’t like a pacific aesthetic because I am a gypsy at heart. I am wearing it all if I like it.
Funky Tip: There are no rules to style. The internet is a business, and it is designed to keep the consumer shopping. Buy the style if you like it, but when the trend is over, just find a new way to restyle your wardrobe.
#3 Wasting Time: I decided to stop wasting precious time on style. If I like something, I will wear it even if it does not rip get runway approval. It’s funny. I get more stares and compliments when I dress in what makes me feel good.
Funky Tip: If you do not like your style, do not expect someone else to enjoy it either. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if anyone embraces your style. If you like it: Flaunt it!
#4 Focusing too much on my age: Let’s face it, when I was in my 20’s I dressed like a 20 something-year-old. Now that I am over the moon in age, I am still dressing like I did when I was younger. You know why? Because it’s fun and I am not bothering anyone.
This is my life and my time to enjoy every inch of it. My choice in clothing can and will not hold me back. I am an over dresser and I wear too many accessories clown. And that sums me up in a nutshell.
Funky Tip: Give yourself permission to wear any and every style on this earth. Try not to over think your looks. And please do not allow anyone to bully you into thinking your style is wrong and theirs is right.
What is your favorite style Today?
And that is how I stopped bullying and sabotaging my own personal style.
I do have more to share so come back and chill a FUNKY bit with me!
xo Tangie
1 comment
Thanks for sharing your story. I’m no longer 50 something. I’m mid 60 something 🤣. Few years back went thru a major life change that rocked my world. I went thur school bullying too. Now my faith reminds me daily that my ok just as I am. I love that you’ve embraced who you are and your own style. I’m finding that I took am retooling my personal style. I’ve finally learned not to be so overly concerned what others think about me or my style. Thanks for being you and inspiring me too. Keep it up and walk your style.