No Bully Style Zone: Wear What The Funk You Want!

Good afternoon Funky Friends! Welcome to the no bully style zone. Where we believe a woman or man should wear what the Funk they want. Yes, I said all of that. After spending years struggling with my style, I've decided to embrace my body and the clothes I choose to wear. So, I am yelling loud and clear, forget the rules of what to wear and not wear.
When I was a little girl, I endured bullying because of my clothes. At the time, I had no concept of what was in or out of style. I just knew my bullies wore JCPenny and other name-brand outlet clothes.
It became my new normal to be made fun of as a little girl growing up in the deep South of Louisiana. As I became a teenager, I put a lot of strain on my mom to buy me new stuff all the time. And she did when she could. But when she couldn't, I would steal or wear my so-called friend’s clothes and jewelry.
Yep, I would change back into my rags by the time I got home. Oh, how I wish I could take back those times. I would appreciate what my mom could afford for me at the time.
Life is so funny; all the clothes I did not like growing up, most the millennials and influencers of today are styling them up all across the net.
By the time I became a young adult, my obsession for shopping had gotten out of control. I was that chick who bought clothes before paying my bills. Then I became a person who loved making stuff. It was never-ending. Not to mention I was always looking at what my schoolmates and co-workers wore.

Now that I am older, I am looking at life with a different set of eyes. Style is fun, and we all look and wear things differently. I often wonder who made up the style book filled with the Dos and Don’ts of life.
I realize now my style as a child was not wrong. My mom dressed me because I was a unique child. And to this day, I love wearing bits weird and wonky. I never grew out of it. Over the years, I’ve suppressed my clothing choices. Mainly because in real-life most jobs and schools say you can’t wear this or that. Self-expression is so over-rated, but I love doing my own thing. And I know judging a person for what they wear is absurd.
Life is moving fast, and I know I do not want my style to slow me down. That is why I am asking you guys to join me in showing us your no bully style zone style. Join the movement with us to wear what the Funk we want by any means necessary.

Last but not lease, as women we wear many hats. From being a wife, friend , co-worker etc. That is why we should embrace and celebrate one another's style. No matter how on or off trend it may be!
So, ladies, forget those stylebook rules if you want to wear stripes and polka dots, go for it. Or re-wear your old clothes from yesterday, by all means, do it. Darling, we are cheering you forward. Besides, I like what you like. And That’s On Every Funky Thang!
Let me know below if you care what others think about your style?
Until Next Text Time See Ya In A Funky Bit!
Xo Tangie Bell